Consider installing an eastern white cedar hedge instead.
To learn more about the important differences between Emerald Cedars and Eastern White Cedars, take a look at our post “Hedging Cedars: Eastern White Cedar vs Emerald Cedar“
Emerald Cedars
When available, Cedar Ontario offers the delivery and/or installation of robust, Ontario-grown emerald cedar trees for your landscaping needs.
Emerald cedars are excellent accent trees as they are very bushy, dense and keep a deep green colour year-round. The trees are not as hardy as eastern white cedar so they are not suitable for all environments and special care is required to get the most out of them.
Reference images for emerald cedars are provided on this page.
Cedar Hedge Service
It is important to note that while Emerald cedars are very nice looking trees, our opinion is they are not the right trees for a ‘classic cedar hedge.’ Emerald cedars always retain their pyramid/conical shape, so when they are planted in a line, they will always look like a line of trees.
If you would like a traditional cedar hedge instead, Cedar Ontario offers a professional cedar hedge planting service using eastern white cedar, not emerald cedar.
Your Cedar Hedge Project
Cedar Ontario offers cedar trees for sale (delivered) so you can plant them yourself as well as a cedar hedge planting service.
Contact us to get details or discuss your cedar hedge project in the Toronto Area.